
01/03/2017 16:22

With the advent of large-scale neural simulations and recordings, the question that I really have is, how do we make sense of the data that these modalities generate and generate scientific insights? I ran a simple rate-based simulation (e.g. each neuron is characterized by an instanteneous rate that describes its firing frequency) with a hundred neurons and even that simple model was difficult to understand with the conventional Python plotting tools. How much so is visualization and interpretation a challenge, when we are dealing with much larger and more complex simulations as for example the simulations in the Human Brain Project  ?

So I have a hobby, I use open-source neural simulators like Brian with web-based visualization tools like D3JS, to program interactive visualizations of models of neural systems. My aim is to write a book on neural data science and data visualization of neural simulations.    

Effective visualizations can suggest scientific ideas and insights.