
26/01/2017 16:12

I cannot predict the exact time point when I will die. But in that moment of my consciousness of disappearing, I wish to have no regrets over my life. I wish to take full advantage of the chance event of my conception.  

I dreamt that I am a machine. A nanomesh altering neural activity and recording measurements is implanted into my cerebral cortex. If I could augment my intelligence, my consciousness, what would I do? What signal modality would I stream into my brain?

Cortical cells can extract statistical regularities from patterns of non-random co-excitations of the cell. The cells learn to summarize stimuli and make predictions (for examples see [1] and [2]). If I was to stream data into my neocortex, what useful regularities would I extract?

I would stream simulations of systems and their associated mathematical descriptions (e.g. the actual formulas and parameters). My brain would then learn associations from this training data and whenever I encounter a phenomenon or read about an occcurence, a mathematical model would pop into my consciousness. 

Also, I would like to have mechanical wings with which would be controlled by the signals in my motor cortex, so that I could fly, please.



[1] Masquelier, T., Guyonneau, R., Thorpe, S., "Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity Finds the Start of Repeating Patterns in Continuous Spike Trains", 2008, PLOS One

[2] Masquelier, T., Thorpe, S., "Unsupervised Learning of Visual Features through Spike Timing Dependent Plasticity", 2007, PLOS One

Interesting Read

Berger, T., Glanzman, D.,"Toward Replacement Parts for the Brain: Implantable Biomimetic Electronics as Neural Prostheses", 2005, MIT Press
